AC-DC Current Measurements

AC-DC Current Measurements

By default, DC amperage measurements are enabled.  To enable AC amperage measurements, press the blue button.

Milliamp and Amperage measurements are commonly performed on automobiles, these measurements are very valuable because they are taken in a live circuit and can lead to accurate diagnosis.  The current in a circuit is inversely proportional to the circuit's resistance.  Think of an amperage reading as a live resistance reading.  To measure amperage you must place the selector switch in the mA A position as shown above.  

The meter's leads must be positioned as shown above to measure DC Amps or AC Amps.  The meter can safely measure up to 10 Amps in this position; however, the meter is actually protected with a 15 Amp fuse at this input terminal which can handle 10A continuously and 20A for 30 seconds.  

For amperage measurements smaller than 400 mA, use the mA µA input terminal shown above.  If the amperage of the circuit is larger than 1.0 A (1000.0 mA), the meter's fuse will blow.

The meter leads must be placed in series with the component being measured as shown above.  All of the circuit's current must be able to run through the meter.


The meter's screen will display the current being measured. In the above example the meter leads were placed in series with a headlight circuit.

Micro-amp measurements rarely performed on automobiles, the amount of current is too small for most automotive circuits. To measure micro-amperage you must place the selector switch in the µA position as shown above.