Data Link Connector
Data Link ConnectorSince 1996, the data link connector (DLC) is a standardized 16 cavity connector shown below.
Connector design and location is dictated by an industry wide standard. Vehicle manufacturers can use the empty DLC cavities for whatever they would like; however, the DLC of every vehicle is required to provide pins 4 and 5 and 16 as defined below. When the Controller Area Network (CAN) protocol is fully implemented in the 2008 model year, all vehicles must use pins 6 and 14 as defined below.
- Terminal 2 - SAE Links to an external site. J1850 10.4k bits per second (BPS) variable pulse width serial data (GM Class-2) or SAE J1850 41.6k bps pulse width modulation serial data high line (Ford).
- Terminal 4- Scan tool chassis ground.
- Terminal 5 - Common signal ground for serial data lines (Logic Low).
- Terminal 6 - ISO Links to an external site. 11898/15765/SAE J2284 CAN serial data high line.
- Terminal 7 - ISO 9141 K serial data Line or ISO 14230 (Keyword 2000) serial data line (DaimlerChrysler/Honda/Toyota)
- Terminal 10 - SAE J1850 41.6k bps pulse width modulation serial data low line (Ford).
- Terminal 14 - ISO 11898/15765/SAE J2284 CAN serial data low line.
- Terminal 15 - ISO 9141 L serial data Line or ISO 14230 (Keyword 2000) serial data line (DaimlerChrysler/Honda)
- Terminal 16 - Scan tool power (Unswitched battery positive voltage)