Course Syllabus

Jaune Quick-to-See Smith (Flathead) State Names I, 2000.

The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of American Indian history from pre-colonial times until the present.  Emphasis is placed on Indian-Anglo cultural interaction, U.S. policy development, and the roles played by Indian peoples to ensure their survival and on-going cultural integrity into the 21st century.

Course Schedule

Learning Objectives:

  • Historical Knowledge: students will be able to:
    • Describe the significant people, places and events of American Indian history.
    • Analyze the historical forces that shaped the pre-contact traditions of the indigenous societies in North America.
    • Explain the impact of disease, violence, and trade upon Indian people during the colonial period.
    • Differentiate the major objectives, campaigns, and outcomes of America’s Indian Wars.
    • Describe the strategies of resistance and accommodation employed by Indian leaders facing forced removal.
    • Give examples of  Indian responses to their concentration on reservations by the federal government.
    • Analyze the factors shaping federal Indian policy from allotment to reorganization.
    • Describe the influence of red power on the politics of self-determination during the late twentieth century.
    • Outline the major cases and laws affecting Indian County.
  • Historical Thinking: Students will be able to
    • Evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, and trends in the historiography of American Indians.
  •  Historical Skills: Students will be able to:
    • Critically discuss assigned texts
    • Present  their research/analyses

Activities in support of Learning:

  • 2 Exams. These will be randomized from a list of posted topics. (50 points each) These exams must be taken on Chi Tester at  a WSU testing center or under proctored conditions.
  • 4 Response papers (3-4 pages) Points are earned for:
    • Accomplishment of the assignment = 5 points
    • Composition skills - 3 points
    • citation of sources = 2 points
  • oral presentations: 5 formal (with handout) and 5 informal
  • Treaty Research paper. Students will research a particular treaty, it use in Indian land claims, its significance in modern times.
    • Following assigned format = 4 points
    • Critical thinking = 6 points
    • Absence of mechanical flaws = 3 points
    • Correctness of sources citation = 2 points
  • Book Presentation. Students will read a contemporary novel by an American Indian author and will present their responses to the text in ashort paper. (15 points) Points are earned for:
    • Addressing all topics = 5 points
    • Addressing issues of course and text = 7 points
    • Absence of mechanical flaws = 3 points
  • Participation statement = 20 points

I will accept work late -- but such work will automatically earn fewer points.


  • First Peoples by Colin Calloway
  • Facing East from Indian Country by Daniel Richter (Also available online)
  • Uneven Ground: American Indian David Wilkins and K. Tsianina Lomawaima
  • We Shall Remain 5 Episode film series from PBS. These films are available on reserve in Stewart Library. They are also avaialble at Weber County Library and many other libraries.
  • additional readings as assigned


Assignments are weighted. Grades will be based on a percentage of the points possible

A = 94 -100%
B = 83 - 86%
C = 73 - 76%
D = 60 - 66%

  • 5 Oral presentations = 50 points
  • 2 exams = 100 points
  • 4 formal papers = 60 points
  • participation = 20 points
  • treaty research = 15 points
  • book presentation = 15 points

About Plagiarism:

Plagiarism on any of your work will result in failure of the project in question. Plagiarism may also be ground for failing the course. If at any time, you are unsure about what might constitute plagiarism, just ask. I'll be glad to help you figure out where and when you need to document sources or credit others with ideas you wish to borrow.  WSU Student Code

Course Summary:

Date Details Due