Academic Honesty/Ethical Conduct
Expectations and Responsibilities
I want to stress upfront that this is a quantitative science course. With that in mind, we will be doing some math. Some of your assignments will require you to employ some mathematical skills, which I will help you refresh/acquire in this course. I expect you to give yourself adequate time to complete the assignments and to put a good faith effort into all of your collaborative work. You should expect me to provide you with as much support as humanly possible, including technical/psychological math support and general sympathy. That said, starting the assignment on the day it is due is an excellent way to dissolve the sympathy part! If you give me enough lead time to help, I will make sure you get it. My office hours are posted, and I can be available at other times if necessary. I am here to make sure you get as much out of this course as you possibly can.
Academic Integrity
Regarding academic integrity, I will enforce policies as laid down in Section IV:D of the Student Responsibilities outlined in the Student Code. Specifically, no cheating or other forms of academic dishonesty will be tolerated. The first instance of cheating will result in a zero on that assignment. The second instance will result in failing the class. During the online sessions, you may wish to work in groups, however, so you will be required to distinguish the difference between collaboration and cheating. When in doubt, make sure to give credit where credit is due. If you are caught cheating in this course, you will be subject to academic discipline including the imposition of University sanctions. A description of cheating and possible sanctions is found in the WSU Student Code available here.
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
In compliance with the American Disabilities Act (ADA), Weber State University seeks to provide equal access to its programs, services, and activities for persons with disabilities. Any student requiring accommodations or services due to a disability must contact the Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) office. SSD can also arrange to provide course materials (including the syllabus) in alternative formats if necessary. For more information about the SSD contact them at voice: (801) 626-6413, TDD (801) 626-7283,, or
Weber State University is committed to providing an environment free from harassment and other forms of discrimination based upon race, color, ethnic background, national origin, religion, creed, age, lack of American citizenship, disability, status of veteran of the Vietnam era, sexual orientation or preference or gender, including sexual/gender harassment. Such an environment is a necessary part of a healthy learning and working atmosphere because such discrimination undermines the sense of human dignity and sense of belonging of all people in the environment. Thus, students in this class should practice professional deportment, and avoid treating others in a manner that is demeaning or derisive in any respect. While diverse viewpoints and opinions are welcome in this class, in expressing them, we will practice the mutual deference so important in the world of work. Thus, while I encourage you to share your opinions, when appropriate, you will be expected to do so in a manner that is respectful towards others, even when you disagree with them. If you have questions regarding the university’s policy against discrimination and harassment you may contact the university’s AA/EO office (626-6239) or visit its website:
Threat to Self or Others
Any disclosure by a student, orally or in writing, whether related to class assignments or not, that communicates the possibility of imminent danger to the student or others will be shared with the appropriate authorities
You are expected to attend all class sessions, arrive on time and remain until the end of class. Any exceptions should be cleared with me in advance. You are also expected to actively participate in the online discussions and in-class cases and exercises.
Class Demeanor
You are expected to conduct yourselves with a high level of professional decorum. This includes listening attentively and respectfully to the comments and contributions of others, including guest speakers and your fellow students.
Laptops and Cell Phones
You are welcome to bring your laptop computer to class in order to follow along with class postings and online resources or work on team assignments. However, laptops can become a significant distraction to learning, so please avoid doing non-class related activities during class time. Out of courtesy to other students and to avoid disruption of classroom activities, please keep electronic devices (e.g. cell phones and PDA's) silenced and put away during class. If you must take a call, please leave the room to do so.
Support Contact Information
For assistance with Canvas related technical issues, please call 801-626-6499. This phone is staffed Mon-Thurs from 8am – 5pm and Fridays from 8 – 4:30pm. A message can be left during non-business hours for a return call. Alternatively, students can send an email message to
For assistance with Chi Tester issues please call 801-626-6477.
If students have technical issues related to usernames/passwords, please call the Help Desk at 801-626-7777, or email
You can also include support information on the home page footer of all of your Online and Web Enhanced courses. Here is an example:
2014 Weber State University
For Technical Support contact:
801-626-7777 or (username/password/login issues)
801-626-6499 or (Canvas issues)
801-626-6477 or (Chi Tester issues)
Additional WSU Resources
Online Tutoring
We want to remind you of a fantastic opportunity for your students because of our partnership with the Western eTutoring Consortium. Administered through Washington State University, the eTutoring consortium brings together top-notch tutors from more than 30 institutions throughout the northwest U.S. Please be sure to direct your students to login with their Wildcat ID and password at the eTutoring site. Assistance is available in the following subjects:
- accounting
- anatomy & physiology
- biology
- chemistry
- economics
- engineering (circuits and digital systems only)
- math (developmental through calculus)
- MS Office 2007
- physics
- spanish
- statistics
- web development (xHTML, CSS, Adobe Dreamweaver)
- writing
*See current subject list
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |